

Site Notice

Müller GmbH
Behrbom 2
29351 Eldingen

Commercial Register: HRB 100592
Registration court: Lüneburg

Represented by:
Wiebke Junge


Phone: 05148 / 910 99 – 0


Sales tax identification number according to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
DE 15 69 23 152

Information regarding professional liability insurance

Name and registered office of the insurer:
BG Holz und Metall
Postfach 3780
55027 Mainz

Scope of insurance:

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.

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